
Ivory Jiwari — 11 Comments

  1. To discourage the use of ivory could polyester be used. I currently am trying to replace a black jawari with a white one and know the works of polyester, moulds and pigmentation.

  2. Hello,

    After looking at the Ghori with Ivory Jawari I fond an old Billiard ball which is real Ivory. Can I still have some Ivory left to use it on other parts of the sitar like making a Mongara or for other ornamental purposes.

    • Hello Parwaiz,

      You need only half a billiard ball to make such a jawari. There will be sufficient leftover from this half ball to make cikari or tarav mogara, but not enough to make a langoot… But still there is the other half. 🙂

  3. I used this old ivory specimen because it was damaged and became useless as a real billiard ball and because it crossed my way by means of my friend Chico. I have no experience with other billiard balls but I guess that it could be worth trying out. Other synthetic materials (fiber) give very good results in resistance to wear and are easily processed. The sound varies a little bit but is at least very promising. It is only a question of habit and standards. Play first, then listen… And, if we can spare the life of an elephant or a barasingha by using these modern materials then I’m happy 🙂

  4. Hi

    I was impressed with your abilities and imagination. I have a question: do you think that newr, synthetic billyard balls will do the work or do you think that they are not as solid, cannot be smoothed properly or that they will not sound well?


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